The order of review of articles. Reviewing.

The selection of articles for publication in the journal is as follows.

1. The received manuscript undergoes the process of initial evaluation in terms of compliance with formal and qualitative requirements: the journal's subject matter, rules for the design of articles, originality, clarity and consistency of presentation in literate Russian, etc. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the article is not accepted for consideration, about which the Editorial Board notifies the author with an indication of the reason for refusal. As a rule, this happens within 5 days, starting from the date of receipt of the manuscript to the Editorial Office.

2. If the article is accepted for consideration, all further negotiations with the author are carried out by the editor, who sends the manuscript for review to experts – recognized experts on the subject of the reviewed material who have publications in this field over the past 3 years. In controversial cases, the article can be sent to more than two specialists. They may include both members of the editorial board and external experts.

3. The review is carried out anonymously: the names of the authors and reviewers are not disclosed to each other. The review process, according to experience, takes an average of 5 days.

4. The review should contain:
• evaluation of the essence of the work and the possibility of its publication in the journal;
• specific enumeration of errors in methodology and tools (if any);
• suggestions for the revision of the text.

5. Based on the results of the review, the article can be accepted for publication (5.1), sent to the author for revision (5.2) or rejected (5.3). Copies of the reviews are sent to the authors.
5.1. Upon receipt of a positive reviewers' opinion, the article is sent to the proofreader of the journal for final editorial preparation for publication (see paragraph 6).
5.2. After revision, the article is re-sent to reviewers assessing how adequately their comments were taken into account and/or how well the author's refusal of certain corrections is reasoned.
5.3. Upon receipt of a negative opinion of the reviewers, the article is considered at a meeting of the editorial board working group, which decides on the rejection of the article or on the need to receive an additional review by an independent expert. In case of rejection of the article, a notification letter is sent to the author.
5.4. Reviews are kept in the Editorial Office for 5 years. The editorial board undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request.

6. The preparation of the article for publication, carried out by the Editorial Board of the journal, consists in monitoring the consideration of reviewers' comments, literary editing and bringing the text up to editorial standards adopted in the journal. Editorial edits are agreed with the authors.

7. The final decision on the date of publication of the article is made in the working order in the process of forming the structure and content of the next issues and is approved by the editor-in-chief or his deputy.

Publications in journal are included in the calculation systems of citation indexes of authors and journal. "Citation index" is a numerical indicator that characterizes the significance of this article and is calculated on the basis of subsequent publications referring to this work.

Logs are indexed in systems:
• The Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) is a bibliographic and abstract index implemented in the form of a database accumulating information about publications of Russian scientists in Russian and foreign scientific publications. The RSCI project has been developed since 2005 by the Scientific Electronic Library Company (eLibrary.RU ).

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