from 01.01.2023 to 01.01.1925
UDK 338.1 Экономическое положение. Конъюнктура. Развитие хозяйственной структуры. Экономический рост
The article is devoted to modern risks in the export of agricultural products. Agriculture is of great importance for the regional economy, which is certainly evident in the Stavropol Territory in particular. The volume of crop production and acreage are growing over time, as a result of which the overall indicators for agricultural production are significantly ahead of the internal needs of the region. As a result of the above, as well as taking into account the convenient logistics network, the export potential of the region is constantly growing, which certainly results in the need to increase exports of agricultural products. However, when carrying out export operations, enterprises may face many difficulties related to the specifics of organizing work within the framework of foreign economic activity (FEA). Along with the risks that exist when organizing work within the country, there are export-specific risks that need to be taken into account when organizing work within the framework of foreign economic activity, since they can be crucial when carrying out an export operation.
Export, risks, contractual risks, currency risks, risk of non-payment for goods, export operations, risk of non-payment, foreign economic activity.
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6. [Elektronnyy resurs]