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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the modern world, digital technologies are becoming increasingly important for economic development and improving the quality of life of citizens. The constant development of information technology is leading to a rapid pace of digital transformation, requiring countries to actively participate in this process. Russia, as a country with great potential, cannot lag behind other developed countries and must continuously introduce the latest digital technologies in order to remain competitive on the world stage and ensure economic growth in the future. Digitalization and advanced digital technologies are the key to the successful functioning of business structures and other business entities. Ignoring new technologies or slow application of them entails a decrease in competitiveness and performance. Also, digitalization has a positive effect on interaction in society and provides the convenience of performing transactions via the Internet for all its participants. The analysis of the digitalization process in Russia at the present stage of development made it possible to identify the current state of digital technologies in the country, as well as to identify prospects for further development in this area. An assessment of the impact of digitalization on the economy, public administration and other areas of society is presented. The goal is to analyze the current state and prospects of digitalization in Russia.

digitalization, digital environment, digital economy, digital technologies, automation, automated systems, business solutions, digital security, digital literacy.
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