The entry of new regions into the Russian Federation requires solving problems aimed at ensuring their energy security. The basis of this issue is formed by the economic activity of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, which provides the territories with energy resources and fuel products. It is important for the Government of the Russian Federation and state authorities of regional entities to carry out work aimed at integrating new regions into the fuel and energy complex of the country. This includes both the formation of an appropriate transport infrastructure between production and transmission facilities, and the connection of thermal, nuclear and hydrological power plants to a single power transmission system. The purpose of the scientific article is to analyze the current problems faced by new regions of the Russian Federation when integrating their enterprises of the fuel and energy complex into the common market and the fuel and energy complex system of the country. Prospects are identified that can be realized in practice if the right decisions are made by authorities and managers of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.
fuel and energy complex, new regions, integration of the fuel and energy complex, electricity network, energy transmission.
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