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Abstract (English):
Modern rural development programs are identified today by scientists and practitioners as an important tool for ensuring food security, preserving rural areas, and harmonious development of countries and regions. The content of such programs is determined not only by pressing current problems, but also by the general vectors of rural economy development, the state of the external environment in which rural life is organized and the rural economy functions. The formation of a comprehensive theoretical concept, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the content of effective policy documents, is an important scientific problem, the solution of which, among other things, is aimed at the research, the main results of which are presented in this article. An important research conclusion is that economic theories and interdisciplinary research, which are gaining popularity in new environmental conditions associated with the aggravation of the geopolitical situation, climate change, biological threats, require a reasonable synthesis of the results of existing investigations for the effective organization of policies to support rural areas in order to dynamic and, at the same time, harmonious development.

economic theory, rural development, rural business, government programs, regulatory effectiveness
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