Russian Federation
The purpose of the article is to study the problem of ensuring the economic confidence of the individual in the context of the formation of the digital economy. Digitalization, on the one hand, contributes to the creation of new opportunities for achieving economic confidence, and on the other hand, forms new challenges. Economic confidence is the basis for the growth and development of the individual, depends on the satisfaction of its interests and needs, allows you to feel control over finances and savings, reduces the level of negative experiences and uncertainty, contributes to personal well-being and financial independence. Therefore, this problem should occupy a priority place in the system of interests of both the state and the individual. The issue of ensuring the economic confidence of an individual in our country has not yet been studied, therefore, the article discloses the definition of the concept of economic confidence of an individual and provides recommendations for its provision.
economic confidence of an individual, economic confidence of the state, confidence in the future, index of economic confidence, digitalization, digital economy.
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