Russian Federation
Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation
Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation
In modern conditions, the development of anti-corruption culture among future employees of state and municipal services is becoming an important task. This direction is associated with the need to ensure a high level of professional ethics and resistance to corruption. Anti-corruption culture covers not only knowledge of laws and regulations, but also personal values that promote responsible behavior in the field of public administration. This paper examines various methods and approaches aimed at developing anti-corruption awareness and skills in students preparing for state and municipal service. Pedagogical, psychological and legal aspects of the formation of anti-corruption culture are analyzed, and recommendations are offered for improving curricula and educational activities in order to increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption education.
anti-corruption culture, civil servants, municipal employees, anti-corruption education, professional ethics, resistance to corruption, anti-corruption consciousness, training programs, personnel training, corruption prevention.
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