System of criteria-based indicators for evaluating changes in innovation process participants to ensure economic security at the meso-level
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Abstract (English):
As part of a set of measures to ensure the economic security of the state, it is important to assess the state of value chains localized on its territory and their participants, monitor the dynamics of changes in individual elements and the subject as a whole in terms of unique resources, competencies and dynamic abilities of the subject as a participant in the innovation ecosystem. Since this stage forms the basis for subsequent forecasting of its transformation from the point of view of the development of the innovative potential of the system based on the dynamics of complex indicators in the multidimensional space of evaluation criteria. The article describes proposals for the management of ecosystem formations and vividly presents a system of interrelated criteria indicators for evaluating participants in the innovation process.

assessment of the innovation ecosystem, analysis of the implementation of the innovation process, threats to economic security, criteria-based assessment indicators, innovative competencies of socio-economic entities
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