graduate student
UDK 331.5.024.52 Прогнозы рынка труда
The purpose of this study is to present a forecast assessment of the employment of the rural population of the Penza region, which is relevant in the context of modern economic and social changes in the agricultural sector. The key factors influencing the level of employment, including demographic trends, economic activity and social programs, are considered. The analysis of data in recent years has made it possible to identify the main trends in employment, as well as to identify the problems faced by the rural population. The results of the study show possible scenarios for the development of the situation on the labor market, and also offer recommendations for local authorities and interested organizations to increase employment and improve the quality of life of rural residents. The work has both theoretical and practical significance, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of employment in the agricultural sector and contributes to the development of policies aimed at sustainable rural development.
forecast assessment, rural population, salary, index, modern technologies, Penza region
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5. The Penza Post informacionno-analiticheskiy portal – URL: https://penza-post.ru/news/v-selskoe-hozyajstvo-penzenskoj-oblasti-vnedryat-novye-tehnologii.
6. GorodRabot.ru – URL: https://penzenskaya-oblast.gorodrabot.ru/salaries.
7. Penza press – URL: https://www.penza-press.ru/news/society/66175/.