The article studies the global market of green bonds as a tool for sustainable financing in the context of global environmental challenges. The authors note that in the growing climate crisis green bonds become especially important, as they stimulate investments in renewable energy, environmentally friendly transportation, energy-efficient construction and other significant areas that gradually solve the accumulated problems. The dynamics and regional peculiarities of green bond market development since 2007 are analyzed. The article emphasizes the role of supranational organizations that form standards, principles of issuance and circulation of financial instruments, ensuring transparency and strengthening investor confidence. The article provides comparative data on the largest regions and issuers, reveals the growing interest of developing countries in this market. New sustainable financial debt instruments are considered, as well as the prospects of using blockchain technologies for effective green finance and pilot projects developed on their basis. All this confirms the importance of green bonds in the implementation of sustainable development and achievement of global environmental goals, which contributes to the formation of a responsible and productive financial market.
green bonds, sustainable development, financial markets, responsible investment, ESG concept
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