Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article focuses on diversification of production as a strategic tool to increase the economic efficiency of modern enterprises. The application of diversification contributes to the development of innovation and new technologies, since the production of new goods and products requires the constant search for new business solutions and approaches. This helps to increase the competitiveness of the business entity, its positioning in the market, increase sales volumes and sales levels, expand the client base, which in turn will lead to an increase in revenue and financial results of the business entity. The study pays attention to the analysis of factors ensuring successful diversification, as well as an assessment of its impact on the stability and profitability of the business, on the financial performance and competitiveness of companies in a changing market environment. The article discusses the key diversification methods used to reduce risk and increase the efficiency of the investment portfolio, their purpose and advantages. According to the results of the study, diversification measures taken by Russian industrial enterprises are systematized in the context of positive and negative aspects

: production diversification, economic efficiency, competitiveness, profitability, purchasing power, financial performance, strategic management

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