graduate student
UDK 338.2 Экономическая политика. Управление и планирование в экономике
The article presents the results of a study of the effectiveness of the implemented mechanisms of municipal education management, defined by regulatory documents approved at the federal and regional levels. The authors identified the problem of the lack of a unified methodology and a single regulation for monitoring the effectiveness of management of socio-economic development of municipalities in Russia, which determined the relevance of the study and the conclusions drawn. The implementation of the principles of scientific validity and timeliness of strategic planning for the development of the territory, according to the authors, does not yet determine the quality and effectiveness of the process of socio-economic development of a municipality. And here we are talking about the timeliness of making adjustments to previously approved documents defining strategic directions for the development of the regional economy, based on the results of annual objective monitoring of territorial development indicators in the context of a unified methodology implemented throughout Russia in the context of priority areas for the development of the national economy. The article provides a fragmentary analysis of the organization of municipal education management on the example of the Tolyatti city district of the Samara region. The authors of the article revealed contradictions in the content of target indicators and indicators officially approved by the program documents defining the directions of development of the Tolyatti municipality for the period up to 2030. The authors present the results of an analysis of the indicators included in the monitoring of the effectiveness of municipal management, implemented in the Samara region, in comparison with the recommended system of indicators approved to assess the effectiveness of the regional economy. Based on the results of the study, the authors draw conclusions that determine the directions for improving public and municipal management in the regional economy.
regional economy, state and municipal management, single-industry town, region, municipal formation, socio-economic development
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