The article deals with the formation of a new model of economic growth based on supply-side economics. The features of supply-side economics are reflected in the context of supply-side theory and the experience of using supply-side economics models. The issue of the gap between economic theory and practice is raised. The conditions of the new economic reality and the variability of development scenarios in conditions of uncertainty, challenges and threats are highlighted. The emphasis is placed on the technological component of the supply economy. The basic composition of the determinants of the supply-side economics model is determined based on an expanded set of established and constructed conditions. A research position is expressed regarding the nature, role and characteristics of the determinants of supply-side economics. Attention is focused on determining the priority directions of economic growth in the system of national development goals and national projects. The role of the theory of national development goals in the development of the sustainability of the economic system is shown.
economic theory, supply side economics, technological development, national development goals, national projects, determinants, priorities
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