Russian Federation
UDK 65.012.4 Руководство. Авторитет. Техника (приемы) и методы руководства
UDK 65.015 Изучение трудовых процессов и методов работы. Анализ трудовых процессов
The article is dedicated to studying the influence of business ethics factors on the emergence of crisis situations in companies. The presented methodology, combining statistical data analysis and investigative methods, aims to identify the true causes of crisis phenomena and develop measures to prevent them. The novelty of the work lies in integrating ethical aspects into the system of internal control and security of organizations, allowing for more effective identification and elimination of hidden threats associated with unethical behavior of employees and managers. The practical significance of the research lies in the development and application of a methodology to enhance companies' resilience to crises, reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, and minimize negative consequences. The article discusses various approaches to identifying the causes of crisis phenomena, formulates recommendations for building an effective management system to prevent such situations in the future. The proposed approach is based on the application of statistical methods and investigative methodology to detect, analyze, and regulate ethical violations that negatively impact the business state. The practical value lies in improving organizational security systems, increasing manageability, and business resilience. The author's experience, including over 100 investigations of crisis situations, confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The article references existing risk management approaches, identifies their insufficient complexity, and proposes additional solutions based on a deep understanding of the connection between business ethics and the emergence of crises. The work details the stages of investigation, including data collection, information analysis, identification of the true causes of problems, and the development of measures for their elimination. The proposed methodology not only prevents crises but also creates conditions for sustainable business development, increasing its competitiveness and efficiency. The research results can be used by company owners and managers to enhance the security and resilience of their organizations. The work is based on data from scientific publications dedicated to business ethics, risk management, and crisis management.
business ethics, internal security, risk management, statistics, statistical analysis, investigation, ethical violations, crisis prevention, business resilience
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