International transport logistics in the border regions: analysis of transit potential
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the features of international transport logistics in border regions, analyzing both the challenges associated with geopolitical, infrastructural and regulatory factors, as well as the opportunities arising from the strategic location and potential for the development of transit transport. It is determined that the border region is a complex system characterized by the mutual influence of internal and external factors. Its development depends on the ability to effectively use its advantages, overcome existing problems and build productive cooperation with neighboring regions and States. The article presents the key aspects of optimizing logistics chains in border areas and the prospects for the development of this area. Among the most important areas of increasing the economic potential of border regions, the authors highlighted the simplification of customs procedures, the development of transport and other infrastructure, risk management, improved coordination and cooperation between all participants in the transport and logistics system, the use of modern innovative technologies, as well as the development of human capital. The factors determining the transit potential of the border regions are highlighted, including geographical features, geopolitical stability, development of transport infrastructure, legislative and regulatory environment, and human resources. In conclusion, it is concluded that in order to increase the efficiency of using the transit potential of border regions, it is necessary to implement a set of measures and measures aimed at increasing investments in the development of transport infrastructure, simplifying customs and migration procedures, improving staff skills, improving security and strengthening international cooperation.

international transport logistics, border region, transit potential, infrastructure, legislation, geopolitics, optimization, efficiency
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