Public debt in the economic security department of the Russian Federation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the research topic is determined by the importance of issues of the formation and management of public debt to ensure the economic security of the country, both in theoretical and in practical aspects. Public debt management is based not only in attracting funds from the population, commercial banks and other institutional investors to meet government expenditures, but also in regulating monetary circulation, maintaining a stable exchange rate of the national currency, and fulfilling state budget obligations. The state has the ability to borrow on favorable terms, but it must be managed so that it does not become a threat to economic, financial and national stability. This requires the government to take a responsible approach to borrowing and strategic investment planning. Therefore, at the state level, it is necessary to strive for a balanced approach so that debt does not turn into a heavy burden, but becomes a tool that contributes to the sustainable development and prosperity of the country.

public debt, economic security, national security, external public debt, domestic public debt, public debt management
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