The article is devoted to the study of the features and problems associated with the access of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to bank lending. In modern conditions, when small and medium businesses play a key role in sustainable economic growth and job creation, lending to these segments becomes especially relevant. The first part of the article analyzes the main trends in the SME lending market, including the structure and dynamics of bank loan portfolios, as well as changes in lending conditions. The author considers the impact of the economic and political situation on the availability of credit resources for business, as well as the role of government support programs and preferential lending. The second part presents the results of surveys and studies that illustrate the problems that SMEs face when obtaining loans. This includes a lack of collateral, high interest rates, and insufficient financial literacy of entrepreneurs. The final part of the article contains recommendations for improving the terms of lending to SMEs, including proposals for improving the credit policy of banks, developing alternative sources of financing and increasing financial literacy among entrepreneurs.
bank lending, small and medium businesses (SMEs), financing, credit risks, credit policy, interest rates, investments
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