In the context of the rapid development of the digital economy, the study of its impact on the labor market is becoming particularly relevant, since digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, automation, the Internet of Things and big data, are transforming traditional forms of production and service provision, which leads to significant changes in the employment structure and qualification requirements of employees. This article is devoted to the analysis of the mechanisms of the impact of digitalization on the labor market. Using a comparative analysis of data from different countries, the trends characterizing changes in the structure of employment, requirements for the qualifications of workers and the dynamics of the formation of new professions in the context of the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) are studied. In addition, the socio-economic consequences of digitalization are considered, including the increased need for retraining and advanced training of the workforce. The results of the study emphasize the need to develop flexible public policy strategies and educational programs aimed at adapting the labor market to the new realities of the digital economy. The conclusions of the work contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of interaction between digital technologies and employment, as well as provide recommendations for ensuring sustainable economic growth in the context of digital transformation.
digitalization, automation, innovation, economic model, production sector, digital transformation, post-industrial society
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