graduate student
Russian Federation
The article analyzes the specifics of financing startups at different stages of their life cycle, starting from the pre-sowing stage and ending with the maturity stage. The key sources of financing are considered, including the founders' own funds, business angel investments, crowdfunding, venture funds, initial public offering (IPO) and strategic partnerships. Particular attention is paid to the changing financing needs of startups at each stage, risk levels and the dynamics of capital raising. Using the example of the Indian company Urban Company, specific amounts of attracted investments at different stages are presented, which emphasizes the success of the financing model. The role of digital technologies, technoparks and business incubators in creating a favorable ecosystem for startups is discussed. The findings highlight the need to adapt startup financing strategies to dynamically changing market conditions to ensure their sustainable growth and success.
startup financing, startup lifecycle, venture funds, urban company, pre-seed stage, startup ecosystem
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