graduate student
The article analyzes the role of digital transformation in the sustainable socio-economic development of regions and, in particular, its impact on the metallurgical complex of Russia. The author considers digitalization as a key factor in improving production efficiency, risk management and competitiveness of enterprises. The article examines in detail the key areas of digital transformation in the metallurgical industry: automation, big data analysis, artificial intelligence and digital engineering. The author also explores methods for assessing the digital maturity of enterprises and provides recommendations for increasing the level of digitalization of the industry. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that digital transformation is a key factor for the development of the Russian metallurgical complex. The introduction of digital technologies will improve the efficiency, risk management, competitiveness and sustainability of the industry. However, for the successful implementation of digital transformation, it is necessary to solve a number of challenges and risks related to investments, personnel, cybersecurity and legislation. The aim of the work is to determine the impact on financial performance and prospects for the development of the digital transformation of the metallurgical complex of the Russian Federation.
metallurgical complex, digital transformation, financial indicators, development prospects, digital technologies
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