The russian clothing market in the context of world trade liberalization: organizational and economic management methods
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Abstract (English):
This article examines the management of the credit market in Russia, focusing on its patterns and development prospects. The article begins with an overview of the credit market in Russia, during which the key features of its functioning, the structure of crisis and stable segments, as well as the characteristic features of supply and demand for credit resources are presented. Then he turns to the patterns of credit market management, which examines the factors affecting the effectiveness of lending, including economic indicators, risk level and financial accessibility for the population. Important attention is paid to the current situation in the credit market, where changes in consumer preferences and credit activity are analyzed in conditions of economic instability caused by both internal and external factors. The prospects for the development of the credit market in Russia are discussed taking into account the projected trends, including the digitalization of financial services, the introduction of new technologies and changes in regulatory rules within the framework of domestic and international practice. In addition, the article offers recommendations for participants in the credit market, which are aimed at optimizing credit products, improving interaction with borrowers, as well as increasing the level of financial literacy in society. The research is aimed at contributing to the formation of a stable and efficient credit market, ready to respond to changes in the economic environment and the needs of borrowers.

credit market, credit management, Russia, Central Bank, banking system, consumer lending, digitalization, economic factors, development prospects, financial analysis
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