Features and actual problems of personnel audit in public institutions
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines approaches to the understanding of personnel audit in public institutions, and formulates the author's approach. The analysis of the specifics of personnel audit in government agencies and the legislative regulation of this issue is carried out. The problems and directions of their solutions in the field of personnel audit of public institutions are comprehensively considered. The personnel audit is analyzed using the example of the Government of the Russian Federation: its goals, methods and tools are systematized. Since conducting a personnel audit is a fairly new tool for improving the effectiveness of personnel management in public institutions, due to the lack of existing domestic experience, there are a number of priority problems and tasks in this area, the solution of which requires an integrated approach. The conclusion of the study provides a forecast regarding the prospects for the development of auditing activities in government agencies in Russia.

personnel audit, government agencies, features and problems
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