Russian Federation
In the middle of the twentieth century, the social structure of society underwent changes due to the evolution of industrial society into a post-industrial society. Thus, the potential for the development of a post-industrial society can be assessed by the amount of information and knowledge that it possesses, since knowledge acts as the axis around which new technologies, economic growth and a new stratification of society are built. Scientific and technological progress and the shift of emphasis from the industrial sector of production to the scientific sector led sociologists to talk about the emergence of a new society. So, in the 70s of the twentieth century, the concept of the information society was born. The emergence of a new society aroused the interest of many scientists. For example, W. Dysard studied the formation of the information society and also adhered to a three–stage history of development: «The USA is the first country to make a three-stage transition from an agrarian society to an industrial one. Only one of its characteristics is clear from a whole fan of possibilities: the main type of economic activity is the production, storage and dissemination of information».
information society, noosphere, society, economy, state, progress
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