Artificial intelligence in project management: opportunities and challenges
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Abstract (English):
Innovative urban infrastructure design methods are becoming a key tool in the face of increasing urbanization, climate change, and the need for sustainable development. The main directions include the implementation of the concept of sustainable design, which involves energy efficiency, water conservation, the development of "green" infrastructure and sustainable transport. The use of digital technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS), big data, and the Internet of Things contributes to increased planning accuracy and efficiency. The Smart Cities concept aims to create a comfortable and sustainable urban environment through intelligent energy, traffic, safety, and waste management. The active involvement of society in the planning process, an inclusive approach and social engineering play an important role in improving the quality of the urban environment. Innovative approaches create conditions for improving the standard of living of citizens, minimizing environmental damage and strengthening social cohesion.

sustainable development, smart cities, energy efficiency, green infrastructure, water conservation, eco-friendly transport, digital technologies, social engineering
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