graduate student
The article is devoted to the regional policy of commercial banks and its importance in the context of ensuring access to financial resources and services for various categories of customers in different regions. In the context of globalization and integration of financial markets, the relevance of research on this topic is increasing, since banks must adapt their strategies to the specific economic and social conditions of the regions. The key aspects affecting the development of regional banks are considered, such as limited resources, insufficient business diversification and high competition from large banks. The role of commercial banks in supporting small and medium-sized businesses, as well as their participation in government programs, is being investigated. Examples of successful practices of large banks such as Sberbank and VTB in developing a branch network in remote regions and creating specialized credit products that take into account local economic conditions are mentioned. At the same time, the problems faced by regional banks, such as a lack of information about borrowers and a high level of credit risks, are being considered. To increase the effectiveness of regional policy, measures are proposed to develop information technologies, stimulate innovative projects and cooperate with local authorities. In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the successful regional policy of commercial banks is the key to the sustainable development of both the banking system and the economy as a whole. The future of this policy will depend on banks' ability to innovate, flexibility in decision-making and willingness to cooperate with other participants in the economic system.
regional policy, commercial banks, financial resources, branch network, small and medium-sized businesses, social responsibility, innovations, credit risks.
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