The ripeness level of a cross-border innovation system in the context of its socio-ecological development
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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the development of a scientific framework for defining and assessing the ripeness of a cross-border innovation system in the context of its socio-ecological-oriented development. An analysis of scientific research on the subject is provided, and the author proposes a definition of the term "maturity level of a cross-border innovation system" in the context of its socio-ecological-oriented development. A methodological approach to determining and assessing the maturity of a cross-border innovation system within this context is introduced. The study identifies the impact of various factors on the maturity of a cross-border innovation system, including the life cycle stage of the system, the system's stability, the degree of integration of its elements, the co-evolution of its components, the depth and quality of cross-border interactions among its actors, the negative impact of the system on the environment, the positive impact on society, and the level of system governance. This study not only enriches the theoretical scientific foundation in the field of cross-border innovation systems but can also be applied in practice. The research results can be applied by practitioners in strategic planning and managing cross-border innovation systems. Future studies may address the scientific challenge of developing benchmark models for cross-border innovation systems and proposing reference sets of parameters for evaluating the model’s factors.

cross-border innovation system, ripeness level of CIS, socio-ecologically oriented development, CIS sustainability, co-evolution, ESG
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