Risk management tools for the implementation of mergers and acquisitions of a company on the example of VTB bank (PJSC)
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The importance of M&A transactions in modern economic relations is seen in the fact that mergers and acquisitions have a huge impact on changing (more often upward) the market value of a company and thus increase the quality, scale and efficiency of an economic entity by increasing resources. During the crisis, especially the financial one, great attention in banks, in terms of building a risk management system within the framework of crisis management, is certainly paid to the competent organization of available resources and retention of the customer base, building such internal processes that would lead to a decrease in the level of financial indicators, primarily such as liquidity and capital adequacy. Conducting timely, comprehensive, regular collection of necessary information about the situation (considering both external and internal conditions), its assessment and analysis, forecasting the likely development of events and developing appropriate measures are priorities in terms of crisis management in each banking organization. In addition, it is also important to organize an effective quality system, internal analysis and control. Through the effective implementation of these and other anti-crisis measures, it is possible to prevent the onset of negative consequences for the bank. Therefore, the topic is important and relevant for its research.

mergers and acquisitions, risk management, transaction tools, business efficiency, banking risks, highly competitive environment
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