Instruments of state regulation of industry markets: the theoretical aspect
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the instruments of state regulation of Russian industrial markets, which play an important role in supporting the economy and minimizing the consequences of crisis situations. Economic, regulatory and social instruments such as subsidies, grants, soft loans, tax incentives, investment policy, standardization, antimonopoly regulation and social support programs are considered. Special attention is paid to financial support mechanisms for enterprises that stimulate innovation and investment, as well as regulatory measures aimed at ensuring a competitive environment and product quality. Social measures are outlined, including employment support programs and social benefits, which contribute to the stabilization of the labor market and domestic demand. The importance of an integrated approach to the implementation of these tools and the need to adapt them to changing conditions is emphasized.

government regulation, industry markets, subsidies, tax incentives, antimonopoly regulation, investment policy, standardization, social support
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