Participation of systemically important banks in the formation of resources of the banking sector of the Russian Federation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the research topic is due to the role of systemically important credit institutions in the formation of the resource base of the Russian banking sector. Based on the analysis of the dynamics and structure of obligations of systemically significant credit institutions, it is concluded that the trends in the structure of obligations of the banking sector of the Russian Federation are determined by the peculiarities of the structure of obligations of systemically significant credit institutions. In this regard, systemically important banks, despite macroeconomic instability and serious external sanctions pressure, are increasing their own funds, which increases their financial stability and creates opportunities for expanding credit investments in the national economy. Consequently, systemically important banks make a significant contribution to the formation of the resource base of the banking sector of the Russian Federation.

banking sector, systemically important credit organizations, banking resources, equity
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