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Abstract (English):
Today the interest in innovations is enormous. The current economic situation in Russia is characterized by processes that require the creation of a large number of innovative projects. Without the use of innovations it is practically impossible to create a competitive product. In a market economy innovations play a key role, without them it is impossible to win in the competition. Those enterprises that use innovations and offer products and services of the highest quality win. The relevance of the selected topic “Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation projects” is obvious, because the correct assessment of the innovation project is of great importance. Incorrect evaluation can lead to unnecessary expenses, which will especially negatively affect small businesses and startups. For them, an innovation project may be the only way to gain a foothold in the market and ensure economic profit after successful implementation. The diversity of management processes and the complexity of the phenomenon itself entails the need to develop a methodology for assessing innovation potential in each specific case, relying on the already known tools of the theory of investment efficiency assessment.

innovation, project, economy, efficiency, company
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