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Abstract (English):
The article examines the peculiarities of creating and promoting personality in society. The prerequisites were created within the framework of the theory of generations. More successful people create for themselves certain competitive advantages in various markets and in various fields of activity. Features of building a personal brand are highlighted. The association of a personal brand is associated with the formation of public opinion about a specific person, his lifestyle, knowledge and skills that he will promote, with the identification of strengths, so-called chips, ideas, positions and opportunities. If we consider each person as an individual, then it is possible to highlight his personal brand, regardless of his activities. His existence is already provided for by the personality brand he created. If we consider a personal brand, then, of course, its recognition over time is necessary, which will be associated either with a positive reputation of a person, or, conversely, with antisocial behavior, which also plays an important role in promoting a personality brand. Creating a personal brand, promoting it and maintaining it over a long period of time is what scientists call “playing the long game.” This means constant analysis of the target audience, developing and positioning oneself as an individual, and using promotion tools, both classical and modern. Using consistent actions and additional financial resources to maintain your personal brand. However, it is not always necessary for a person to create a personal brand. Since these are additional costs that not every person is ready for, since over time interest in the created personal brand may disappear.

promotion, personal brand, social networks, needs, worldview, style, behavior pattern
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