Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The digital transformation of society leads to dramatic changes in the labor market and the emergence of the concept of slash careerism, when a person has many competencies and professions that determine his hiring and employment by the employer. This is due to the emergence of a new Information Society where you can find any specialist, read reviews about him, see the results of his work and hire. There is an interest of enterprises in reducing taxes and deductions to special state funds and attracting highly qualified specialists to perform the work. As the differentiated scale of taxation is introduced, these trends will intensify and increase. The difference in wages in different regions of Russia, among university graduates and qualified personnel contributes to the development of slash careerism. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the formation of this process in the labor market and employment, when many specialists lost their jobs and permanent earnings. These and other problems require consideration and analysis, and determine the relevance of this study.
freelance, slash careerism, digital economy, digital technologies, freelance platforms, slashers
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