Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical aspects of determining the essence of banking risks, studying the main methods of their assessment and ways to minimize them. Based on the empirical material of the activities of CB Kuban Credit LLC in Stavropol, an assessment of the indicators of the effectiveness of the financial activities of a credit institution was carried out, as well as the effectiveness of the company's system in minimizing various types of risk was analyzed. The paper identifies the main types of risks in banking activities, and also emphasizes the priority of working with credit risk as the basis for forming the main revenue part of the company. Based on the results of the conducted research and the presentation of systematic conclusions, recommendations were formed for the company under study to level certain types of risks, as well as system-wide measures (increasing automation of current activities, including when assessing the creditworthiness of the client; increasing the versatility of business processes, etc.

risks, bank, management, improvement, minimization
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