graduate student
Increasing innovative activity at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry of Russia is an important element of their sustainable development and increasing competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets in the modern conditions of Industry 4.0 and the transition to Industry 5.0. This article considers approaches to personnel motivation at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry and analyzes the existing motivation system using the example of Russian enterprises of the oil and gas industry. The purpose of the study is to substantiate and classify the most effective tools for motivating personnel to increase innovative activity at the enterprises of the oil and gas sector. The paper provides a comparative analysis of approaches to motivation, identifies their advantages and limitations in implementation in relation to the oil and gas industry, reveals the specifics of employee motivation for various categories using the example of Russian enterprises Transneft and Surgutneftegas. Recommendations are given for improving the motivation system in order to increase innovative activity and potential of enterprises. The main attention is paid to the introduction of hybrid labor motivation systems, taking into account the high level of responsibility and health risks of workers in the oil and gas industry, the long-term implementation of projects, and the creation of a culture of innovation in organizations.
staff motivation, innovative activity, oil and gas industry, motivation tools, corporate culture, innovative processes.
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