Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the features of the implementation and application of smart technologies in the management of sensitive facilities. Analysis of smart technologies was carried out for the main management tasks in the context of digitalization, algorithms for solving them using smart technologies at sensitive facilities were established, which made it possible to justify the feasibility of implementing such technologies. Also, the types of databases for the object of information collection are highlighted, which include databases collected by people, databases collected by automated sensors and databases collected by people and automated sensors. The main goals of implementing smart technologies in the management of the sensitive facilities are listed. In order to assess the future effect of modernizing the management of sensitive facilities based on smart technologies, positive and negative consequences are given, which made it possible to justify the need for this process, due to high competitiveness in the long term.

smart technologies, management, sensitive facilities, implementation, goals, databases, positive consequences, negative consequences
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