Innovative methods of motivation and stimulation of the organization's staff
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern organizations, special attention is paid to the motivation and stimulation of staff, as satisfied and motivated employees contribute to the effective work of the company and the achievement of goals. This article is devoted to the study of innovative methods and technologies for the formation of a system of motivation and stimulation of personnel in organizations. The methods of evaluating the effectiveness of staff motivation are considered; innovative technologies used to stimulate employees; indicators that can be used to assess the effectiveness of staff motivation in an organization. The features of their application and advantages are determined. Based on the analysis, the importance of developing and implementing innovative methods of motivation and stimulation of personnel is substantiated; specific methods are proposed by which it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of motivation and stimulation of personnel in order to increase the competitiveness of organizations.

innovative methods, staff motivation, incentives, staff
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