Tools and methods of certification of the organization's personnel
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Abstract (English):
The fundamental basis for the career growth of an employee and the condition for finding him in the personnel structure of the organization is the certification of personnel. HR management services solve the tasks of implementing HR policy and coordinating the organization's human resources management activities. The range of their functions is extensive – from purely personnel issues, the development of work incentive systems, career promotion management to conflict prevention, etc. For this purpose, a certification system works – personnel measures to assess compliance with the requirements of the performed activity to the level of labor, quality and potential of the individual. The choice of tools and methods of personnel certification for each organization is a specific task that management is responsible for solving. The article discusses the tools and methods of personnel certification that are used in modern organizations. There are traditional and non-traditional methods. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods have been studied.

personnel certification, principles, tools, methods
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