Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the study is due to the importance of the correct formation of accounting policy to ensure the reliability of financial statements and making informed management decisions. The study examines the problems associated with the lack of accuracy of accounting methods in organizations, as well as identifies difficulties encountered in compiling the UP. The purpose of the study is to analyze the causes and consequences of incorrect accounting policy formation and suggestions for improving existing approaches. The current issues of using simplified accounting methods, such as linear depreciation, lack of reserves and ignoring the impairment of intangible assets, are considered. Modern software solutions for accounting and their impact on data accuracy are studied. The methods of improving regulations and recommendations for organizations aimed at improving the quality of accounting statements are disclosed. As a result of the study, key issues requiring attention have been identified and specific measures have been proposed to improve the reliability of financial statements. In conclusion, recommendations are expressed for improving accounting policies, including convergence with tax legislation, software modernization and updating regulations.

accounting policy, accounting, financial reporting, depreciation, reserves, asset impairment, regulations, software
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