Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article studies the essence of the concept of «monitoring» and determines that most scientists use it, replacing the concept of «analysis». However, monitoring is a broader concept that combines various areas of analysis: production and economic, financial, investment, technical, technological, social, innovative, environmental, etc. and acts as its complex manifestation. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use the concept of «complex monitoring», which is a more complete and comprehensive analytical study that takes into account the results of various types of enterprise activities, which are formed under the influence of internal and external factors and serves as a basis for determining the directions of further functioning and development, including forming the basis for strategic analysis. Comprehensive monitoring performs the tasks of retrospective and current analysis, which is the main difference from strategic analysis, which involves conducting analytical research for the future to develop a strategic plan and determine the enterprise development strategy. Comprehensive monitoring and strategic analysis occupy an important place in the management system, since they solve one of its main tasks – the high-quality formation of a strategic plan and enterprise development strategy.

monitoring, strategic analysis, management system, strategic planning, retrospective analysis, current analysis, prospective analysis.
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