The legal status of intermediaries in the global economy: problems and modern approaches
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Abstract (English):
Intermediaries play a key role in organizing and simplifying interaction between various market participants, contributing to a more efficient allocation of resources and reducing transaction costs. Intermediaries not only facilitate exchange processes, but also promote innovation by improving market access for new players. This article examines the legal status of intermediaries in the global economy, their role and impact on international trade relations. Legal approaches to understanding the status of an intermediary in the context of the world arena. The main classifications of intermediaries, their functions, legal mechanisms and impact on global economic processes are analyzed. The variety of roles underscores the strategic importance of intermediaries in today's globalized environment, where efficiency and speed come to the fore. In conclusion, it is concluded that it is necessary to improve the legal framework for regulating the activities of intermediaries.

intermediaries, world economy, legal status, international trade, legal aspects, The Hague Convention.
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