Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the topical issue of optimizing auxiliary processes in order to improve the efficiency of IT company business processes and ensure the implementation of priorities determined by the corporate strategy. The research implements an ecosystem approach to automating IT project assessment and maintenance, management of administrative services, routine software development processes, and seamless integration with external services. The purpose of the study was to create an ecosystem including intellectual tools for optimizing and, as a consequence, increasing the efficiency of auxiliary processes in IT companies on the example of a company-participant of the Skolkovo project. The results of creating an intelligent ecosystem for optimizing auxiliary processes of IT companies are described. The proposed «SmartBackOffice» ecosystem contains the following modules: «Platform Component 1.0 software module (ecosystem core-logic module)», IT-projects evaluation and maintenance module, programmer's auxiliary processes automation module, administrative services management center, external solutions seamless integration module. Based on the results of the research work, the following were registered in the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent): the «Intellectual ecosystem for optimization of auxiliary processes of IT companies SmartBackOffice» database, «SmartBackOffice», «SmartBackOffice.Consent», «SmartBackOffice 1.0 core-logic platform component», «SmartBackOffice.Consent» computer programs. The practical significance of the conducted research consists in the possibility of applying the created ecosystem in the segment of IT companies.

auxiliary processes, optimizing of business processes, IT companies, ML technologies, functional subsystems (FS), SmartBackOffice
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