graduate student
Modern changes in the economy caused by digital transformation require revision of established approaches to the organization of innovative activities in international organizations. There is a need to improve management structures and implement digital technologies to increase the efficiency of interaction of all participants in the process. The main objective of this study was to create an integrated model of digital transformation aimed at optimizing the management of innovation processes and accelerating their impact on economic development. The study used methods of system analysis, modeling, generalization and structural synthesis. As a result, a concept of a digital ecosystem adapted to the conditions of international business is proposed. Conclusions are made that emphasize the importance of introducing digital tools into management practices, which helps to increase the innovative potential of organizations. The presented recommendations can be used to develop digital transformation strategies, improve the interaction of structures within organizations and accelerate adaptation to new technological challenges.
management models, international organizations, digital transformation, organizational structure, digital technologies, management efficiency, adaptation, innovative approaches, globalization
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