Management training models in the context of the educational program life cycle
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern managers face many new challenges related to global crises, economic instability, rapid technological progress, as well as changes in the functioning conditions of government authorities/organizations caused by the increasing role of social responsibility in management activities, large-scale digitalization of most organizational processes, limited resources, highly competitive environment, etc. New challenges require a new quality of management, which actualizes the issues of managerial personnel training, including for the public sector. The authors consider an approach to the formation of management training models that meet modern standards and advanced technologies in the subject area and in the educational field. The role and importance of taking into account the stages of the life cycle of educational programs in relation to the goals of improving the educational process are substantiated. The directions of improving the structure and organization of the educational process are proposed to ensure the sustainability of the development of managerial personnel. The article is addressed to specialists in the field of professional development of managerial personnel of government bodies and organizations, as well as educational organizations implementing relevant training programs.

management training model, educational programs, life cycle, improvement of the educational process
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