Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of external factors affecting the staffing of medical organizations. The economic, social and political aspects determining personnel policy and strategies of human resource management in healthcare are considered. The impact of the economic situation on the financing of medical institutions, wages and working conditions is emphasized. It is noted that social factors such as the prestige of the profession, working conditions and the social security system play a key role in attracting and retaining staff. Statistical information on the number of people employed in healthcare and the dynamics of demographic changes is presented, which indicates the need to modernize the system of training and retaining medical specialists. Attention is paid to the importance of policy decisions, including increasing healthcare funding, as an important tool for strengthening human resources. The article emphasizes the need for an integrated approach to human resource management, which includes monitoring and adaptation to changes in the external environment, as well as the development of motivation and professional development systems. The proposed measures are aimed at ensuring accessibility and high quality of medical services for the population.

human resources, healthcare, economic, social and political factors, human resources
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