Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Online commerce, or e-commerce, is one of the most important segments of the modern global economy, which has radically changed approaches to doing business and interacting with consumers. The article examines the prerequisites for the emergence of online commerce, including the development of technology, financial instruments and the transformation of consumer behavior. A historical overview of the main stages of its evolution is presented — from the first attempts of e-commerce to modern forms characterized by the integration of artificial intelligence, big data analytics and mobile technologies. The article highlights the role of online commerce in the global economy and its significant potential as a driver of economic growth. The key barriers that need to be overcome for further development, such as data security issues, improvement of logistics infrastructure and compliance with regulatory requirements, have been identified. The author concludes that the sustainable development of online commerce is possible only if business, government and society cooperate to create a competitive and reliable ecosystem.

Internet commerce, e-commerce, financial technologies, personalization, omnichannel, mobile commerce, global economy, sustainable development
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