graduate student
The article is devoted to the study of the integration of Russian banking institutions into international financial markets in the context of global transformations and the identification of key differences in financial policy before and after the introduction of economic sanctions by a number of foreign countries. The integration of Russian banks into international financial markets requires compliance with international standards, regulatory adaptation and the introduction of advanced technologies. The analysis of methodological approaches emphasizes the importance of strategic planning, risk assessment and adaptation to new conditions of the banking infrastructure. The introduction of economic sanctions has changed the working conditions of Russian banks in international markets, causing a transformation in their strategies and approaches. An important tool is the financial stability of citizens and the digitalization of the financial market. In conclusion, it is concluded that geopolitical changes and sanctions have significantly limited Russia's access to world markets, requiring a reorientation towards cooperation with friendly countries and the creation of new infrastructure. Systemic solutions are needed for the development of the Russian economy and financial market in new conditions.
integration of banking institutions; global financial system; economic sanctions; regulation of banking activities; cross-border transactions
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