Development of mechanisms and strategies for managing the development of trade in building materials
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the key aspects of the development of mechanisms and strategies for managing the development of trade in building materials on the Russian market in the future. The relevance of the topic is due to the rapid changes in the economic environment, as well as the increasing influence of external factors on the domestic market. An analysis of current trends and forecasts allows us to identify the main areas in which growth and development are expected. Strategic approaches to optimizing trade processes, including supply chain management, marketing and pricing, as well as support mechanisms for domestic producers, are considered. The article also focuses on the possible risks and challenges that market participants will face in an unstable environment. The results of the study can be useful both for business structures and for government agencies interested in the development of the construction industry.

construction, materials, management, strategy, economic and political factors, pricing, government support, strategies
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