Models and tools of strategic planning of organizations: theoretical approach and practical recommendations
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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of strategic planning models and tools used by modern organizations to achieve sustainable development in a dynamic global economy. Methods such as SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, balanced scorecard (BSC) and strategic management concept based on resources and abilities (RBV) are considered. The key aspects of each model, their application in various market contexts and advantages in strategic management are described. Special attention is paid to the need to adapt theoretical concepts to practical conditions, including analysis of the internal and external environment, flexibility of strategies and involvement of employees in the process of their development. Recommendations on the integration of various approaches, including the combined use of strategic analysis tools and the introduction of innovative solutions, are presented. The importance of regular monitoring of results using key performance indicators (KPIs) and adjusting strategies in response to changing market conditions is highlighted. The findings emphasize that successful strategic development requires a systematic and adaptive approach that takes into account both internal and external factors, as well as involves employees at all levels of the organization.

strategic planning, SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, balanced scorecard, strategic management, competitive advantages, KPIs
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