graduate student
The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the banking sector is developing very rapidly, including at the regional level. New technologies are constantly being introduced that help build mutually beneficial relationships with customers and partners of banks as part of the development of sales of banking services and products in modern conditions of a competitive market environment. In the current conditions, in order to ensure the functioning and development of the banking sector, one of their urgent problems is the formation and development of a relationship management system with customers and partners within the framework of the development of sales of banking services and products in modern conditions of a competitive market environment. It is equally important for banks to retain customers and expand the bank's customer base (both corporate and individual customers), as well as to attract new partners. In the modern world, the banking services market is an essential part of everyday life. Everyone depends on him, first of all, to carry out financial transactions such as payments, money transfers or obtaining a loan. Without it, it would be much more difficult to manage personal finances. Relationships in the financial services market are an integral part of the functioning of this important sector of the economy. That is, the banking services market is a place of interaction with customers and partners through various financial instruments, pursuing various interests and goals of individuals and legal entities. Of course, the main purpose of these relationships is to ensure the effective functioning of the banking sector of the financial market and customer satisfaction.
banking services, regional participants in the banking sector, financial market, customers, partners, banking CRM systems, competition
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