graduate student
Modern retail is in the process of a large-scale transformation due to digitalization, changing consumer preferences and the introduction of innovative technologies. The article examines key new retail business models, such as omnichannel, subscriptions, Direct-to-Consumer (D2C), marketplaces and sustainable development, which allow companies to adapt to changing market conditions. Special attention is paid to such trends as the growth of e-commerce, the introduction of new technologies, personalization and environmental responsibility. Examples of successful practices are analyzed, including Amazon, Zara, IKEA and other companies demonstrating leadership in innovation and strategic adaptation. The authors also discuss the challenges associated with the introduction of new models and the prospects for their further development. The main conclusions emphasize the importance of technology integration, sustainable development and a personalized approach for the competitiveness of retailers in the context of globalization.
retail, e-commerce, omnichannel, personalization, innovation, environmental responsibility
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